I'm expecting my first ever shipped chicks from a private breeder for 8 American white bresse. I'm so nervous I can't sleep and feel like I'm going to barf.

I've always gotten my chickens and chicks locally and have never had to deal with shipped chicks, and it's so cold out here today!

I picked up 6 ayam cemani and ayam cemani x orpington chicks on Sunday from my friend's flock, they are in my master bathroom. I have 6 x 5 week old ayam cemani & haffie (cemani x orpington) chicks in my brooder box in the barn. Where should I set up the bresse brooder box? Living room? Master bathroom? Barn? I'm worried about quarantine. I had thought to put them in the bathroom with my cemani/haffies. Since they are the same age. I have been a bad chicken keeper and not quarantined my new additions ever yet... so I'd hate to lose all 47 chickens I already have adding 8 more.

Congratulations!! With 8 chicks in the same box I think you should be okay, they oughta keep each other warm. And WOW!! Ayam Cemani??? Are they good quality? I know for some of the really good, breeder quality Ayam Cemani you have to dole out as much as $5,000 for a single pair. Awesome that your friend let you have some!

Quarantine is a safer way go, for sure, but as long as they have their own brooder not in the same room I think you'll be fine. Are the bresse for meat? Let us know when they arrive!
I'm expecting my first ever shipped chicks from a private breeder for 8 American white bresse. I'm so nervous I can't sleep and feel like I'm going to barf.

I've always gotten my chickens and chicks locally and have never had to deal with shipped chicks, and it's so cold out here today!

I picked up 6 ayam cemani and ayam cemani x orpington chicks on Sunday from my friend's flock, they are in my master bathroom. I have 6 x 5 week old ayam cemani & haffie (cemani x orpington) chicks in my brooder box in the barn. Where should I set up the bresse brooder box? Living room? Master bathroom? Barn? I'm worried about quarantine. I had thought to put them in the bathroom with my cemani/haffies. Since they are the same age. I have been a bad chicken keeper and not quarantined my new additions ever yet... so I'd hate to lose all 47 chickens I already have adding 8 more.
Dont you worry... the waiting process is definitely difficult but I assure you they and you will be just fine when its all over!!
The guy at the post office seems very patient with my calling every hour.

My friend is awesome letting me get some of her ayam cemani chicks from her flock. These are from mike bean's non Smithsonian line of cemani. She has gff ayam cemani mated pair about 8-9 weeks old and I am getting some of their offspring in the spring along with svart honas, ayam cemani and the Smithsonian line of ayam cemani from byc member dcchicken. My American white bresse are from gff lines, I want to breed pure and also breed the bresse with ayam cemani and svart honas for sex link and bigger black meat chickens. I'm trying to do the urban homesteading thing on .5 acre. We're looking to buy a trio or quad of muscovy ducks this weekend.

I'm pretty sure I will forget to change my clothes between checking chicken areas, or changing the channel on chicken tv as we refer to it here... so survival of the fittest it is.

After all, sustainable living is a bit about do what you can with what you have and get sturdy genetics whether it be seeds for growing plants or breeds of chickens, ducks, bees & survival of the fittest.

If the 8 bresse greatly outgrow the 6 ac chicks I can move them into the huge brooder box in the barn that has my older ac/haffie chicks in it (6 of them too).

On tracking it says by noon, the guy just told me keep looking for it, but most likely it might be this evening before they come in!?
The guy at the post office seems very patient with my calling every hour.

My friend is awesome letting me get some of her ayam cemani chicks from her flock. These are from mike bean's non Smithsonian line of cemani. She has gff ayam cemani mated pair about 8-9 weeks old and I am getting some of their offspring in the spring along with svart honas, ayam cemani and the Smithsonian line of ayam cemani from byc member dcchicken. My American white bresse are from gff lines, I want to breed pure and also breed the bresse with ayam cemani and svart honas for sex link and bigger black meat chickens. I'm trying to do the urban homesteading thing on .5 acre. We're looking to buy a trio or quad of muscovy ducks this weekend.

I'm pretty sure I will forget to change my clothes between checking chicken areas, or changing the channel on chicken tv as we refer to it here... so survival of the fittest it is.

After all, sustainable living is a bit about do what you can with what you have and get sturdy genetics whether it be seeds for growing plants or breeds of chickens, ducks, bees & survival of the fittest.

If the 8 bresse greatly outgrow the 6 ac chicks I can move them into the huge brooder box in the barn that has my older ac/haffie chicks in it (6 of them too).

On tracking it says by noon, the guy just told me keep looking for it, but most likely it might be this evening before they come in!?
We are on 1/3 an acre so I get it! We are both such softies that we can't kill something we raised (we tried to do meat rabbits but couldn't kill them so it was a no go, then our dog tried to play with the free range ducks so those were also a no go although I highly recommend welsh harlequin ducks, they go broody, they are medium sized, and good layers, not to mention beautiful!).
I'm going to try raised garden beds (our soil here sucks and the amending I've done this far hasn't helped too much). I do compost and tried to do red worms... I still see some so I know they are still alive =).
If they were shipped by Express, NOT Priority, then it will get there by noon. It has to, or the post office will have to give the shipper a full refund. If, however, they went by Priority mail, then they have no need to get it there by noon. It can arrive an hour late and there will be no penalty, because Priority mail shipping times are just a guideline. Only Express shipping is guaranteed arrival time or your money back. Hopefully the were sent Express! Post pictures when they get here!

Are you going to be breeding your Ayam Cemani? If you are getting some from DCchicken then they will be good quality I am sure. He is a real to-standard breeder.
I'm expecting my first ever shipped chicks from a private breeder for 8 American white bresse. I'm so nervous I can't sleep and feel like I'm going to barf.
I just read the brief article about the breed in Wikipedia Where did you ever find a breeder with these birds? Are they even remotely like the French original stock? If I may ask, what are you paying for them?
Dcchicken has white bresse as does his sister, they are from greenfire farm lines, my bresse are coming from them and as far as I know they are to french standards, as dcchicken & gff don't seem to not have excellent lines.

I am breeding my ayam cemani and the svart honas on multiple breeding projects for my personal interests, in both landrace preservation, black meat properties, fibromelanistic studies, and a hybrid big black meat chicken, as well as an interest in caponizing and finishing bresse like the french do.. on my .5 acre of urban delight.

The caponizing equipment is otw now, I have 5 dp meatie roosters starting to crow to practice on. I have a local chicken vet to do decrowing surgery for the roosters I breed with, the others become capons.

Next month I will breed my nzw x sf meat doe Grace to a 16 lb nzw buck. I have 1 cemani roo picked for breeding out of my first 6 chicks. I have 6 more to look at to decide if I want to use one of them or not. The same will be necessary for each roo I breed with, I have a semi-quieted rooster atm with my layer flock.

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