they tasted like !@@##$$%^

...let;s hear it for breakfast suppers--big thing at out house , 2 or 3 times a month---all kinds of omlettes , tex mex--mushroom , italian , all served with smokey papprika home fries and a good local bought amish scrapple fried crisp , hard crust rye toast with butter an jam an coffee---..i just talked my self into asking the wife to change the supper tonite..
Wow, threads like these amaze me here in New Zealand... Grass fed beef, what else is there? All our cattle are pasture raised and fed. there's no alternative, there's still good and bad beef, but that depends on the butcher/hang time/breed

Chicken's sadly another story, but free range & organics are getting more common, $$$
I have to agree with the sentiments on this thread-tell ya what...if you live near Boone, NC , I can hook you up! I think half the peeps at my kids charter school have chickens!

Breakfast for supper!!!! Once a week!
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My mom won't eat fresh eggs--she likes the store bought ones...She also won't buy brown eggs at the store. Yes she is weird, but when she comes down to see the baby in the spring she is getting fresh chicken and eggs...

I am a mean daughter aren't i?
I have a neighbor that won't eat my chickens eggs. Those bugs and thing are just to much. That ain't all. She won't eat squash with bumps on 'um either. I could go on but I did fool her. I pickled 8 eggs with beets, she and her husband ate those. Go figure.

Geezer, you are dead on with you food list. And on top of that lotsa hot sause. Cholula of course. My my I'm hungry.
I wouldn't mind one lil bit if nobody like our fresh free range eggs. I don't want to give them away anyway.

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