They're here! A few pics added!

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I miss my ratties
Very cute though! cant wait for more pics!!
Thanks everyone! They are amazing. I'm not sure what type of bedding it is, it came in their travel case. I use shredded paper I take from work, I prefer to use, recycled. or reused paper products!

I will get pics of the individuals tonight!

I am pretty sure the color of the rex is called Dove!

I am looking for a neutered male rat myself! I want a huge, squishy fat, lazy, sweet rat! lol

I had all females before and they were always so active even when old, I want a fatty boy that wants to lounge lol
I've only ever had female rats too and pet store quality as well. I've always loved looking at the gorgeous pics online of people BIG pet rats! So I am very happy to have been given these guys. The boys have such cute temperments. I took them out and had a couple playing on the couch with me, the boys were more than happy to climb on my lap and settle down for a nice cuddle and to be pet. I am doing some research now, about allowing the girl to have one litter for us. She is one though and I'm not sure what age is too old to breed a female rat. we'll see!

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