Thier first sleep over!!!


12 Years
Oct 2, 2007
Invercargill, New Zealand
I let the chicks and Chicken Little out this afternoon and forgot about them.

Chicken Little went to bed in her old main coup with the others older girls, and the chicks were making a noise trying to find her.

I rallied them up and put them in the main coup and closed the door. Still noisey, I left them.

30 minutes later........

I'll open the door at 5.30-6am just as they get up.

Tomorrow will be thier first day out all day.
They tried to but 12 chicks don't fit under one hen on the roost, and she got tired of those on the floor chirping, so she jumped down and they all got under her.

When she was on the roost, about 4 were under her, 1 on top of her and the rest below.

This morning they were all sitting out in the open on the floor, two were under the broody hens. (the two hens on the right, Bossy (white) and Daisy (black/white))
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