thin egg shells

The Bird House: Yes to both questions. If they are not eating layer with it's extra calcium, then for sure they will need them. A soft shell is usually the only flaw and the egg inside is good. The shell is the last bit in assembling the egg except the paint job if it gets one.
Our girls just started laying about 1-1/2 weeks ago. Our Dominique started first with a smaller egg and very good thick shell. She laid her 4th egg tonight around 7:00 ish. right before roosting with a thin shelled egg. They get yogurt every day, but no oyster shell yet. They free range for between 2-3 hours a day.

Start them on oyster shells too?

Also, can the thin shell egg be eaten?


You can give oyster shell, but as a young hen she's still got a good supply of calcium in her body. New layers just do weird things! Diet really doesn't matter so much. They just forget to put the shell on, or thin shells, double yolks, no yolks, things like that.

And yep, the thin shelled eggs can be eaten. As long as the membrane is intact, you're good to go!
I'd agree. I have one chicken that lays eggs that has a spot in the middle that is thick.

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