Thing you like most about chickens


8 Years
Mine is the way they don't think i can see them when they try to nonchalantly get through the door when i count them.
its a hoot!
They make me laugh every day.
I love the look on a hen's face when she's laying an egg and the look she gives you afterwards when she realises you've been watching.
I love the sound chicks make when you cuddle them and they relax in your hands.
Oh, and the way they come flying when you're bringing them food or treats and they were off free ranging.
For me its probably how they swarm me and peck at my shoe-laces anytime I enter the run or coop. I did a bit of work on my coop recently and had to re-tie my shoes four times in a fifteen minute time frame.

Or... How I can call some 75 birds just by shaking some scratch in a plastic cup. Its a chicken stampeed. :)
I love when my baby chicks run to me when i call them and when i give treats to them!!! I also love it when they cuddle around my neck!! They are just soooo fluffy and cute!!!!
I walk out on the back porch and they "rush the stage". I raise my hands and say "Hello SPOKANE!" In that moment, I am a rock star.

I love how busy they are. They dig, scratch, chase a bug, drink some water, peck at black spots on the wall/floor, flap, for no reason, run like a herd of dinosaurs, dig a hole, lay an egg, announce to the world that an egg just came out of their butt!, sit on the egg, move the egg around, dig a hole to lay in and put themselves to bed, at night.

Busy busy busy.

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