Things you remember but that most young folks never heard of. Pre 1980

Chinese jump rope

Battlestar Galactica

Those rounded cloth purses with the wooden handles

Parachute pants with oriental letter shirts

Green Machine

Supertight Jordache jeans with the legs pined togther with safety pins

Members Only jackets (that may have been more 80's)
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I remember going to the grocery store for my grandma (and I could buy her cigs.) and charging the groceries to her account....getting an Easy Bake Oven in the mid 70s, and one of the old model Baby Alive my friend's house, afraid to eat a hotdog because she'd cooked it in one of those new fangled devices full of radiation...a microwave.
I believe it was my senior year of high school when they took my picture on "Futuristic Day," dressed as a space lady, operating one of the four or five brand new spanking high tech apple computers our school bought (our first computers).
I got an Easy Bake Oven back in 1963 - when Kenner first introduced it. It used a regular light bulb, and it looked just like a little kitchen oven. I remember baking chocolate cake in it, and Mom letting me use a can of frosting to cover it
I was seven.
Remember those Light Brights? Those colorful with black paper and you put the little colorful plastic tabs into those circles. Neato!

I remember the Partridge Family, Addams Family, The Munsters, Adam 12, Emergency, Medical Center was our favorite shows to watch Saturday and Sunday nights.

Now I remember those Beer Nuts, the ones made in Bloomington, IL...yummy! Our favorite popcorn Jiffy Pop was good to watch those shows...pop them on top of stove, shake until the foil rises up, filling up with popped corn. Once in a while they would burn.

Burt Reynolds was a hot thing back in those days. The guys with HOT cars were the rage back then, Dukes of Hazzard is one of those, Cannonball Run, Every Which Way but Lose, William Shatner cop show (not sure if it was after the 80's).

Ponderosa Steak House and Monical's Pizza was our favorite outings. Better Boy resturaunts with those HUGE boy statues in front was the trademark that you can not miss. Stuckley's used to be on every highway and everytime we get a gas stop, we would run in, go to the bathroom and get one of those heavenly pecan rolls. YUMMY!

Howard Johnston's Hotel chain was a big thing too. Mobil, Sunoco dotted alongside the highway. There was one gas st\\ation company with white and green letters what was it?
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The Muppet Show, Pet rocks, The Bee Gee's, Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo, The Ford Pinto
Alfred Hitchcock, Only having 3 tv stations, Saturday Morning cartoons... The Justice League, Hey~! How about this one.... Not being able to go out and play as a punishment!
Flying from Tennessee to Michigan in 1964. The airlines actually fed you meals, and they were good! And you had room in the seats to actually sit. And you didn't have to be at the airport four hours ahead of time.

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