Think I should take a break from this site?

haha, this site IS addicting! I know I've tried a few times to stay away to no avail.

I'm actually pretty bad with hoarding incubators LOL. People tend to give them to me (And one I stole from a friend who never used it :) I have three now and I didn't even use them once last year! I definitely want to set it up this year though and hatch some eggs. I have terrible luck with shipped eggs, but I have tons of mixed eggs!
I had a dream about chickens too last night... GIANT SUPERINTELLIGENT CHICKENS WHO HELD THE SECRET TO TIME TRAVEL. I think this is mostly due to my obsessively counting down the days until our local feed store gets chicks in (tomorrow!), but sheesh.
this site is addicting. I think its making me go insane.

*rocks back in chair laughing with drool hanging out of mouth*

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