Thinking about getting a mohawk, opinions and tips?

I had a mohawk when I was 17, well actually they were liberty spikes. I put super tight "pony tails" in a row on my head and then stood them up. The tallest one was about 9" tall. I loved it and loved that I didn't have to shave the sides... I could always go back to "normal" at any time. Once I put them up they would last a good 3 or 4 days before I would have to take them down and redo them... I don't think I have a picture but it was pretty darn cool and I got TONS of compliments.

This is exactly what they looked like but without the shaved sides...

I think a faux hawk is the way to go to start with until you decide what type of hawk you like. You may not like the glaring white skin under your hair when you first shave it.
Ahhh, La Roux!! Yes, that is the UK singer I was talking about. She's so awesome, and genuine too. Thats from the video for "bulletproof".
Her style is the quiff though, not a mohawk. Maybe I could re purpose it into a mohawk?
I am thinking also that a fauxhawk maybe the way to go. I am VERY white lol. Is there a "short" haristyle I can do that has longer in the middle so I could have a more pronounced mohawk? Or would it look ridiculous when it was down?

Redhen- I don't think you meant anything by it, but I am respected at my job, and all my coworkers and managers like me and know I'm a hard worker, I work overnight at a cat and dog boarding facility, and I have also worked in the day around customers. It's not a professional job or anything, but it's probably different from the type of "overnight job" you may have been thinking.
I was thinking of doing something like this:

I just don't know what my jawline is like and if it would work. (No, I'm not coloring my hair like that, but I might use temporary dyes)
I'm thinking I have a cross between round, oval, and heart...

As for mohawks, I think that since it's your hair and your choice, go for it. I think that a style that would look fine down as well would work, like the hairstyle above. But I also don't like short hair that much, so long sides make sense to me (crazy crazy).
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Sounds like it'd be easy enough to do... partition off the Mo and clip it down then take your clippers with the 1" guard and go to town. Me, I just did the 1" all over... but now that I've put on weight I can't have hair that short without looking very bad IMO so I grew out... I can deal with pony tails, I can deal with super short, but that in between drives me NUTS.

I say go for it if that's what you wanna do... get it done and you hate it you can always snip off the Mo part and just have it short like mine was... bonus with uber short hair is you can bleach and dye to your hearts content and no worries about frying since it's only an inch long anyways.

But you know whatever you decide we want pics right??
I love it! I've always wanted to go pink. I tried to go blonde once, and that did NOT work out well so I kind of gave up lol.

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