Thinking about getting a mohawk, opinions and tips?

OOh..TC has a little freak going on!!
Go for the Mohawk. When I was young, short hair was mandatory by the parents, then military buzz-cut, then job appearance requirements. Now that I'm old and crusty, I'll grow my hair any way I darn please. So now I have a Que, braided ponytail somewhat gray (Okay, a whole lot gray). I've been asked if I'm a hippy or a biker wantabe. Nah, I'm just a Curmudgeon.
yes we need before and after pics...maybe before now so can give you a better idea if it will suit the shape of you face.....good luck in what you decide I am sure it will look great and it of course will grow back
I actually think it's a bad idea. I adopted that attitude after a woman I knew got knocked down and kicked and called a (Greek Island name) for having a shortie mohawk.

Not because the haircut is a bad idea, hair is hair, but because people will judge you. You will find you are suddenly getting stopped by the police and being regarded differently by a great many people who used to like you. From someone who had a shaved head at one time and at another time had hair halfway down her calves, and at one time had a shaved head with a 2 foot long skinny braid that started off to one side on the back of my head.

People judge by appearance. That's the reality. Jobs, school, and on the street. Your mom a young person who had a mohawk herself? Probably a different attitude than your Grandmother or Grandfather, or someone hiring you for a job, or interviewing yolu to apply for a school. A nonconforming hair cut causes trouble, and you have to accept that some people are not going to like you and are not going to treat you right or fair, if you do it.

Mohawks are associated with amphetamine ('speed') and crank use. That's a fact of life. Some day they may just be a 'haircut' but today, mohawks change how a lot of people look at the wearer. It's considered to be a sign of a rebellious punk type nature, whether you have that sort of nature or not, people will assume you do. Out in the country and suburbs is different from being surrounded by admiring friends your age or, say a big city like New York where a naked shaved person wrapped in an American flag doesn't even draw a GLANCE on the subway....though she probably got some flack from her Mom and Dad when she went home...'what'ya DOIN' ta us! You're sucking the LIFE out of us!'

My suggestion? Color your hair, get an odd hair cut, but not something associated with amphetamines and crank. Not an 'arrest me' haircut. Bawk-bawk showed a hair cut that can be worked over to present to more conventional people, and brought out in all its glory for a night on the town with people who will appreciate it.
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Sorry I haven't been on because the Internet was down over the weekend.

I totally understand where you are coming from welsummer.
My mom is older, she just turned 59 so I hear a lot of the type of things you mentioned from her.
I think it would be best for me to get a short hair cut and then if I wanted i could do a faux hawk with it, or leave it down and look normal. I think short hair on women is more socially acceptable these days too.
I have gone to high schools in a small town and in a big town. So I understand the mentality of the different cultures.
I went to the small town my senior year where the graduating class was 52 people.
When I first started going there all the kids there assumed I was a punk skateboarder and many thought I was a lesbian. Just based on the clothes I wore. I have had people mistake me for a boy many times and its been like that my whole life....So I'm used to it, and I think I deal with those things just fine. I've always had long hair and honestly I'm tired of it, lol. I'd love to do something fun with it for once.

Also, because I love the music and the person, here is the music video for the picture shown on the fourth page of this thread. -La Roux. She's not a boy or a lesbian as everyone immediately assumes. She is my age as well. I think I look up to her courage and individuality because she is true to herself. Take the time to watch a few interveiws of her too if you can, she's a really genuine person.

Edit for typos
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Ha ha hopefully pretty soon, I have to wait for a couple certain things before I do it. I'm not sure if I'll post pics only because I'm really protective of what I post on the pictures of me. lol. My Facebook doesn't even have a picture of me, it's my dog.
But If I decide to post them, I will post before and after ones. Haha I'm just worried about looking like a fool. If so, I guess I'll wear a hat more

I might color it, but I don't know what I'd do. I can't do an extreme color like blue, green, or purple because of my job.

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