Thinking about getting drums.... Can you tell me about them?


9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
Hi there! I have always wanted to play the drums and was thinking about getting some. But I know nothing about them. I was hoping someone who plays the drums or at least knows more about them could help me out. I guess the first question is how hard is it to learn how to play drums? What would be a good set to start out with? Stuff like that. Anything you can tell me would be great. Thank You!
I don't play the drums but my youngest son is a drummer. He took lessons for 10 years, from ages 8 through 18. He started out with a drum pad and a set of sticks. We did not buy him drums right away. He used the drum pad for a few months of lessons and when his teacher told us he thought that our son was ready for drums, we got a set of Pearl's. It was a starter set but he played them for 10 years, at least. I think he did have to replace the snare once. A few years back, when he was in college we bought him another set that he still plays. They are DW (Drum Works).

It was loud while he was practicing, but as he got better, it was fun to listen to. He became pretty proficient but he started pretty young. My older two sons both play the guitar, so when they were growing up, they had a band. They had fun playing parties and school functions. They even played out in bars when they were young teenagers. Of course, always accompanied by either me or their dad, or both of us.

Good luck with whatever you choose to start with. If you start with the drum pad, you will kind of see if you really have the interest before you spend a lot of money. Have fun.
Ugh, my older sister wants to play drums but I don't know much about them. Once she buys her drums, I get back on here and tell you something about them. xD Sorry for no help!
The first thing that you need to know is how tolerant are your neighbors... Unless you are far away from them, in a sound proof room, or practice when no one is home expect a visit from the police from time to time. Maybe a few tickets or citations...
Thanks everyone!!! We live on the top of a mountain with no one around. So neighbors shouldn't be an issue. What would be a good drum pad to look at getting?

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