thinking about restarting our flock after predator


9 Years
May 16, 2010
south portland, maine
We lost our flock in the fall to an unknown daytime predator. We went through the winter kind of grateful not to have to tend the girls in the snow/wind/cold. But now that it is spring, we are getting chick fever.

We prefer bantams and can only have females in our city - no roos. In the past we got pullets that were a few months old, but are wondering about getting younger chicks. I would like a mixed flock that we would know are girls from the get go. Also, our previous girls were broody quite a frequently and that meant limited egg production and birds that were zoned out or grumpy and not interactive with us for extended periods of time.

Are there any bantam breeds that don't tend to be broody? Any that can be sexed at a young age? Any suggestions are appreciated. We need cold tolerant birds.
Thanks. Paula :)

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