Thinking of calling it quits.

I am not going to pretend I know what I am talking about when it comes to incubating as I have yet to start my first year. But usually when problems happen it is not the machine, it is human error, in this case being presumptuous, on the first page of the thread two persons having issues of surviving turks from egg have one thing in common, pets. so could it be possible contamination of area in some sort of way or another due to pet involvement. If it was me I would set camera recording to see what if anything could be compromising the incubation process, or keep area where you keep them away from any pet intrusion whatsoever, that is where I would start. Hope I did not offend any pet owners or anything, just passing along my advise, Never give up if it is something you love doing. take care
Just adding my two bits. Your Tom being in his first year could be why so many infertile eggs are there. From my research Toms really start producing in year 2
The malposition poult died.
Four eggs didn't crack so today I will open them to see what's up with them.
My incubation abilities suck.

I' am having such back luck with my eggs that I thinking of calling it quits after this year.
First batch this year I have one bird survive out of 27 eggs.
Three more hatched with it but died a day or two after.

Second batch of 35 eggs I had five hatch.
Yesterday when the bedding was being changed my dog grabbed one out of the box we were holding them in and ran off with it.
I caught him and pried the poult out of his mouth.
I got four tooth punctures in my thumb and the poult died a little later.
Looks like some internal injuries on the neck.

This morning when I woke there was another one dead. I figured that one was going to, didn't look to healthy.
So three from 35.

That's right, I got 4 poults from 62 eggs.

I got 45 eggs still in the incubator so with my luck that's three more poults.

Its not worth my time and energy and the let down.
I even bought a special incubator thermometer this year.
Doesn't make a difference.

Its just so depressing.
I feeling like culling the whole flock.

I have been there and done that!
I am just now getting a little better! Knock on wood with my head
Don't give up just yet!
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One of the eggs that didn't hatch had a developed malposition poult.
So looks like I have at least one hen transferring the deformity.
Sorry you're having such a tuff time. Have you seen this:

I can't offer any advice as I am a novice incubator and am having similar results this year... So far have 10 live peachicks from 41 eggs, and one of the chicks is deformed.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck with your eggs. My hen hatched 15 on her own, which was a big surprise for us. She is setting on more but I haven't got a clue if they will hatch. I think she has about two more weeks. My problem is being overrun with baby turkeys. The little buggers keep trying to fly out of their pen, so we are clipping wings. They are getting into the neighbors cattle field and are going to get trampled if they are not careful. Funny thing is the tom turkey guards these babies like a hawk. He took down my sheltie when he just walked near the fence by the babies. He is extremely protective of them and they adore him it seems. I am really surprised.

As for chickens, I have the kind of luck you have with turkeys, I can't buy a break with them except heartbreak. I have thought of giving up on them. Besides, my turkeys have better personalities than chickens. Alot more loving and human bonded it seems to me. I love my turkeys, when my one hen was killed by the neighbors dog I bawled like a baby over losing her, but I have her only son, her only egg I managed to save and hatch out under her sister. Needless to say he is spoiled rotten.
Down to four poults from 83 eggs.

That is around 8 kg of eggs.
Would have been way better off eating the eggs then wasting them in the incubator.

Stuck a dozen eggs under a hen. Will have to see if she can do better.
Sending good vibes to you. That your hens hatches all 12.

I have 42 in 3 bators now. Have 3 dozen setting on counter. Can't make up my mind whether to try and incubate or sell as hatching eggs. I don't have any hens broody and bators are basically full.

I have 16 poults left out of 150 eggs set.
Those are bator numbers didn't count what was under hens when they were broody.

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