Thinking of getting a gerbil

I don't personally handle my gerbils, so I can't say if they bite or not. I think it's more of an individual thing. I did have one female that would come at me sometimes when I was trying to get her in a container to clean her aquarium. I think males are more calm and accept another male as a friend easier than females.

Gerbils can be dusty and they need deep bedding to dig in. They are nice pets in my opinion.
I have 3 currently (2 females, 1 male). They are very social, and mine come out to take food from my hands and even jump into my hands. I built them a natural enclosure so they can dig and make tunnels and they absolutely love it. Give them lots of hides (not plastic, as they'll chew it) and a lot of items to chew on (safe sticks, etc). None of mine have ever bit. They are very curious about everything. Also another important thing: You have to get a pair, as they can get very stressed alone. They usually live in groups of 3-4.
Okay, thanks. would I be able to keep them/it on a diet of corn, wheat, and oats,like I did my mice, or would i have to give them a commercial brand food?

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