Thinking of getting silkies…have questions…


May 7, 2022
I have the option of getting two silkies from a backyard chicken lady who listed them on a local message board. I have never owned the breed before, so wasn’t sure if they required special attention or care. I see lots of long threads and don’t have time to wade through every thread before tomorrow, so thought I would ask a few questions here.

Here are the details: Looking to get two, 9 weeks old. I have a large coop and a small tsc coop that I keep in the run. I was thinking of putting them in the tsc coop away from the big coop for a month or so to be sure they don’t have any disease. Then after the quarantine, put that coop in the run and keep them in there so they can get used to the big flock (BR, WLH, RSL).

Meeting in a parking lot, she sent pictures, but is there anything I need to take notice in person before purchase?
Will they be okay as a pair?
Do they require special food?
Do they do well in winter? Do they need a heater? Will the TSC coop be sufficient for two them?
Do they require any special care?
Will they have issues with the big girls picking on them?
Do I need to put a roost down low for them?
Will they be okay as a pair?
Do they require special food?
Do they do well in winter? Do they need a heater? Will the TSC coop be sufficient for two them?
Do they require any special care?
Will they have issues with the big girls picking on them?
Do I need to put a roost down low for them?
Probably but more is better.
No, just normal chicken food, they are chickens, just fuzzy ones.
It depends on how your winters are, but generally no heaters are needed.
How big is tsc coop?
They might need monitored for vitamin deficiency, toenail growth, possibly trimming head floofs so they can see.
It depends, do the typical one month quarantine and few weeks see but no touch introduction.
Yep, low roosts, about 18" or less off the floor.
Check them for mites and their eyes before you buy them, make sure you're not getting conned into two cockerels.
Good luck with your new birds!
Odds are the tsc coop will be fine space wise for 2 silkies. I'd be more worried about ventilation depending on the model.

They might get picked on, especially if they're the only crested birds.

Lower roosts for them, rhey can't fly well at all and mine won't even jump up on anything (apart from David, but he's a special bird)
Probably but more is better.
No, just normal chicken food, they are chickens, just fuzzy ones.
It depends on how your winters are, but generally no heaters are needed.
How big is tsc coop?
They might need monitored for vitamin deficiency, toenail growth, possibly trimming head floofs so they can see.
It depends, do the typical one month quarantine and few weeks see but no touch introduction.
Yep, low roosts, about 18" or less off the floor.
Check them for mites and their eyes before you buy them, make sure you're not getting conned into two cockerels.
Good luck with your new birds!
Oh, thanks for this info! How do I know if I’m getting cockerels? They are sold as straight run and are 9 weeks.
I had 2 Silkies and they were my favorites. They are hard to sex so it wasn't until they were both 5.5 months old til they started crowing. I was super sad because we can not have roosters. They were calm and easy going. Great personalities. They don't need any special care that I know of ( I am not a pro lol) mine strived well with my others. They did great when it got chilly here (down to 20 one night). I always kept a lower roost for them but they can jump/fly pretty good as far as roosting goes.
Good luck!! They sure are fun!
Odds are the tsc coop will be fine space wise for 2 silkies. I'd be more worried about ventilation depending on the model.

They might get picked on, especially if they're the only crested birds.

Lower roosts for them, rhey can't fly well at all and mine won't even jump up on anything (apart from David, but he's a special bird)
This TSC coop has ventilation, an open space along the top of the coop part over the run area, plus there is a slide window in the back. It looks similar to this.
I had 2 Silkies and they were my favorites. They are hard to sex so it wasn't until they were both 5.5 months old til they started crowing. I was super sad because we can not have roosters. They were calm and easy going. Great personalities. They don't need any special care that I know of ( I am not a pro lol) mine strived well with my others. They did great when it got chilly here (down to 20 one night). I always kept a lower roost for them but they can jump/fly pretty good as far as roosting goes.
Good luck!! They sure are fun!
Oh, that’s sad. I really hope I get at least one pullet. I can deal with a pair, but don’t want both to be boys.
Check them for mites and their eyes before you buy them, make sure you're not getting conned into two cockerels.
Good luck with your new birds!
Am I looking for goopy eyes or is there something else I should be paying attention to?

This is all super helpful!
Not sure how high your roosts are, but don't except them to go high. Mine have a roost about 18 inches high. I find them to be fairly cold hardy (We don't get down below zero here, so I can't speak for how cold) with their low combs. Not all can be sexed at 9 weeks, but if you see wattle growth already pretty good chance they are boys. Your houseing plan sounds reasonable and they can eat what your other chickens eat. I can't think of other differences except be prepared for them to go broody.

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