Thinking of trying an experiment.

I had saved one of my cockrels, thinking his genes would color up my flock a bit. Well that boy was sowing the wild oats just a bit too much today. I thought one of the birds was in a serious molt when I saw a bunch of feathers on the ground. Then I caught him in action. He'd start tidbitting, (faking it, mind you!) and when one of the pullets came over to see what he had, he'd go into attack mode. So, tonight, I went out with red light head lamp, scooped that bad boy up, and he'd been deposited back in the cockrel pen before he knew what had happened! He's gonna have a very rough day tomorrow! If he gets beat up too much, I may have to process him tomorrow. That wasn't in my plans... but...
Sneaky little bugger!
Poor guy got the tar beat out of him this morning. I had to put him in a tractor. Processing day will come soon.
Aww, poor guy! Too bad he couldn't play well with the others...

Processing day here was today. From first lopped head to last bird in fridge, it took about 2 1/2 hours for 8 of them. It was nice enough out this morning that I was able to do even the final cleaning of the birds outside. The flies had just found me as I was finishing the last one. The mosquitoes weren't bad at all, which is rather unusual. (Not complaining, mind you!)

Of the 8 birds we processed, only two will get canned. The two Australorps (both weighing in at 3# each) were very pin-feathery so DH decided that those were the ones to be skinned and canned, the rest will go in the freezer. They are currently "resting" in the fridge a few days before that happens. Meat-type bird will be a whole roaster, the rest will be cut up. Big meat-type bird dressed out at a nice, plump 6#, and the others weighed 4#, two at 3 1/2#, and two at 3 1/4#. I don't know why, but it always kind of surprises me to find such scrawny birds under all that fluff.

Glad to have that project done. Older hens are next on the list.
I cut up, sealed and froze the "rubber chickens" today. (Left the nice plump meaty bird whole to use as a roaster). One thing I noticed - the scrawnier the bird, the longer the drumstick. I don't know if that's anything noteworthy, really - just an interesting observation.

On another note, I am trying to decide which cockerel to put my Silver Penciled Rock with. The options are White Giant or Buff Rock. (I'm thinking color here - not very good at the genetics and color combinations)

Another observation - Watching my two cockerels, I have seen "dominance training" at it's best. The BR is definitely the top bird. How do I know? Because when he goes anywhere in the WG's direction, WG moves along. If BR doesn't think it's far enough, he keeps him moving - just as I've read to do with roosters to earn their respect. So I do the same thing to the BR. Keep walking through him, keep him moving. So far, they're both behaving themselves with me. Hope it keeps on that way.
I cut up, sealed and froze the "rubber chickens" today. (Left the nice plump meaty bird whole to use as a roaster). One thing I noticed - the scrawnier the bird, the longer the drumstick. I don't know if that's anything noteworthy, really - just an interesting observation.

On another note, I am trying to decide which cockerel to put my Silver Penciled Rock with. The options are White Giant or Buff Rock. (I'm thinking color here - not very good at the genetics and color combinations)

Another observation - Watching my two cockerels, I have seen "dominance training" at it's best. The BR is definitely the top bird. How do I know? Because when he goes anywhere in the WG's direction, WG moves along. If BR doesn't think it's far enough, he keeps him moving - just as I've read to do with roosters to earn their respect. So I do the same thing to the BR. Keep walking through him, keep him moving. So far, they're both behaving themselves with me. Hope it keeps on that way.
When considering any breeding program, I go to the sex linked information thread first. Based on the following chart, putting the BR with the SPR will give you red sex linked chicks. Not sure how easy they will be to id, but worthy of consideration.

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