This brown leghorn doesn't look very much like a brown leghorn


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Midway, GA
Ok, so *she* looks a lot like the others when it comes to everything but her face. I can see how she got mixed up in the BL box.

However, I'm not sure what she is. The hatchery supplying my TSC is Mt Healthy. I'm guessing gold laced wyandotte. Thoughts? Any ideas if a rogue chick in a sexed pullet bin might be a cockerel, or is it probably also sexed?

The chick in question:

The brown leghorn:

All together (5 leghorns & this one in the middle):
Straight comb on this one. My columbian wyandotte has a straight comb and I know it seems to happen a lot with hatchery chicks... maybe a rowdy GLW boy escaped into the leghorn pen?
Is it possible that this chick is a Brown Leghorn cockerel and that is why it looks a little different from the pullets?

In my opinion, the Single Comb Light Brown Leghorn rooster is one of the most beautiful roosters. But you probably don't want a rooster.
Not so much that, as that I already fell in love with a 2wk-old barred rock cockerel. He's got a killer personality if I've ever met a chicken with one! My neighbor is talking about turning his BOs into soup, so maybe I'll try to get him to adopt some of my extra chicks when he does... and this one, if a roo! I'm keeping it just because I want to see how it turns out... I only want one brown leghorn... so naturally I'm keeping 2 of the "normal looking" ones as well JUST IN CASE. Chicken math is very difficult to divide/subtract!!

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