This could be funny, only it's not


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA
I am going to knock my neighbor upside the head. He lives about a mile down the road and has a bunch of chickens he knows nothing about. His father in law gave them to him and he doesn't even know the breeds. I think I recognize some Australorps and Orpingtons. A few months ago he woke up one day and found 3 roosters in with his flock (free-range). He was really baffled until I told him that most likely someone didn't want roos and dumped them in his yard. I think he thought his hens layed them! He's a super nice guy, but really knows very, very little about chickens. I don't even know why he has them.

At any rate, I've had SO many broodies this year, and currently have 3. One just went broody last weekend, so I asked my neighbor if I could get some eggs from him for my broody to hatch out - just to mix my flock up a little. So last Wednesday he brought me 1 dozen eggs and I put them under this last broody.

Now, keep in mind I already have 2 broodies setting on eggs that are due to hatch this Tuesday. I have trouble with broody moms attacking each other, so I keep them in brooders for two weeks after the chicks hatch. I ONLY HAVE TWO BROODERS. So I figured it would work out that about the time the two broodies were ready to leave the brooders with their hatches, this last broody would hatch out the chicks from the eggs from my neighbor and go into one of the brooders. I HAD A PLAN.

Well, this morning, only THREE days after I put the eggs he gave me under the broody, I went into the coop to find that one had hatched and another is pipping already! THREE DAYS! The numb-skull pulled eggs out from under one of HIS broodies and gave them to me! And didn't even tell me! Aaarrrgghhhh.

I'm happy to see the babies - but dad gum it, now I have to build another brooder which I really don't have room for - and I'm not even sure if all 12 eggs came from the same broody and are the same age!

I'm heading down to visit him this afternoon and at least try to find out if all the eggs are the same age.

He's a nice guy. He really is. But I'm just a little annoyed at him right now.

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now.

"SOME" Men are....not smart. Maybe you need to talk to him in more specific ways. Some people just can NOT read between the lines.
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not to be mean but why are you annoyed? You knew he didn't know anything about chickens??
Maybe since you knew he was clueless you should have went down to collect te eggs??
Just a thought

and fordmommy, many men are on this site who are very knowledged in dealing with chickens~ to say they are not smart is rude!
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I would have to agree with Sillystunt. I think it was a wonderful thing that he gave you the eggs. He didn't know any better, but I am sure that he is still a smart man, just not when it comes to chickens.

Why don't you invite him to join BYC. He would learn all that he needs to know. Or you might offer to go over and help him out. I am sure that he would appreciate it.

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