This has to be a roo


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015
5 week old RIR supposed to be a hen but looks like a roo and I swear he tried to crow today
Could he possibly be a Production Red? The coloring doesn't look quite right for a pure RIR.
I agree that he's a Production Red cockerel. Technically speaking there is little or no difference between Production Reds and hatchery quality RIRs and NHs as hatcheries are mainly concerned with egg production rather than meeting APA standards. If the Production Reds turn out with a darker red feathering (closer to mahogany), the hatcheries market them as RIRs. If their feathering is lighter (closer to chestnut), they market them as NHs. If the red shade is somewhere in the middle or very uneven, the hatcheries market them as Production Reds. While this bird lacks the deep mahogany of a heritage RIR, he's just dark enough that the hatchery might have marketed him as a Rhode Island Red.
He could be. I bought them at a feed store and they were marked as RIR. But I also bought some Easter eggs that were marked as americuana. And didn't realize the difference until I came to this site! A little frustrating! But thanks. Also he is already getting some what mean. He is the only chick that won't come up to you. And runs at the other hens and try's to scare hem away when they come up to be pet or held. And he likes to peck when u pick him up.

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