This hen used to be bullied I adopted her from my buddy's farm and now her feathers are growing back

Moving is a huge adjustment for them. The stress of it plus it being winter would be good reasons for them to not lay. Plus, the one hen may be going through a molt, which interrupts laying. A flock raiser feed with higher protein might help speed up the process. Give them time and they should get back to laying.
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OK thanks for the information. I also have 3 pullets that I raised from chick's. They hatched last March and have still not layed an egg. There is 2 Ameraucana and a naked neck.i can't figure out why they haven't layed
They may be late bloomers since winter started as they were maturing. Do they have red combs and wattles? Do they make grouchy noises? Any squatting?

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