this is a doozy...well for me it is


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 22, 2011


Is this working?
I wouldn't think so. She appears to have white legs, and her comb and wattles are quite red. Sumatras have a lot of dark pigmentation on their faces. They kindof look more purple than red. Her body cariage is also quite upright for a sumatra, though the camera angle could be making it hard to see. PO, can you get a more level upclose picture of her? She also appears to have a top knot which would also make me think she is not a sumatra.

With an upclose picture, I may change my mind...from this distance, it is really hard to tell.
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I see 2 roos and a white hen in the first pick. The roos look like mixes- I don't know what the white girl is- maybe an orpington if her legs are pink. The little black girl looks like a polish mix with that cute little top knot on her head
That is as close as they will let me get. We adopted them, so we couldn't control their upbringing. They are very flighty. She does stand very upright, so I don't think the sumatra is all the way correct. She also has that tuft on her head.

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