THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. What is wrong with my hen please help I am incredibly concerned!

I did see her pulsing when I pulled her feathers back to check her vent I thought it was just me pulling back the feathers. She is walking around ok.
If you see symptoms of egg-binding, you should try an Epsom salt bath to relax the muscles and allow the egg to slip out.
Another possible method is getting her to walk around a lot. I had an egg-bound hen whose egg slipped out when she started running around outside.
Just saw this. I'm really sorry! Try putting on a latex glove and feeling around inside her vent for an egg. Are her eyes cloudy?
If you see symptoms of egg-binding, you should try an Epsom salt bath to relax the muscles and allow the egg to slip out.
Another possible method is getting her to walk around a lot. I had an egg-bound hen whose egg slipped out when she started running around outside.
We don’t have epsom salt so I will try the running around
Put a little oil around her vent so the egg will be able to slip out easier. Crushed up tums also help to encourage contractions. Very gently massage her abdomen from front to back a few times, then put her in the bath. After that, put her in a dark warm area so she can try to pass the egg. You may have to repeat those steps several times over the next few hours.
How is she this today? I had a few hens that were egg bound they all made it they acted how your hen is acting I didn’t see any green poop though I gave them a warm bath and a massage I think I put epsom salts in her bath too now that I think about it hope she gets better I was very scared for my hen when she was egg bound it took me awhile before I figured it out good luck!

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