This is BREAKING MY HEART! Another sick chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 31, 2013
Bessie is 20 weeks old. From day one she has sat on her hocks quite frequently, but no other sypmtoms. Last week she quit getting on the roost and slept on floor. Legs were getting progressively weak and shaky. Now she can't balance to walk. I have see her stand on both feet a few times, but only for seconds at a time.. Good appetite, no other symptoms. I have her separated and am giving her hypericum 2x daily along with vit b complex and baby aspirin. No improvement, but she isn't any worse either. I am goin to try brewers yeast also. We had to put George our rooster down last week because he had same symptoms only alot worse. I'm hoping against hope this is a thiamine deficiency.. Any other suggestions as to what I can do?
I just came in from closing the coop up and I found my favorite hen huddled in the corner on the floor like Bessie was a week ago! The other 2 girls were on the roost. I fear that I'm going to lose all 5 of my girls. To whatever this is.
I'm so sorry! What exactly are the symptoms. ? Leg weakness any thing else that you have noticed that might give a clue as to what's happening here? Is there any paralysis or are the feet curling up? Any other symptoms that you have seen?
There seems to be some partial paralysis with Bessie, sometimes worse . She does curl her toes. I have been exercising her legs, sometimes she will pull her leg away from me, but most of the time she lets me move them bicycle style. Any other exercises I should do? I
My favorite hen hazel seems to be doin fine. No obvious symptoms whatsoever. Other than last note when she wouldn't roost. I have given her her third hypericum dose tonite. She is not happy with me at all. Which I take as a very good sign:)

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