This is harder than I thought it would be...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 7, 2013
So when I purchased my chicks from another backyard chicken owner, he told me there was a 90% chance that all but one of the ten chicks he gave me would be female. Of course now I only have 8 chickens, with 3 roosters and 2 suspected roosters. October is the latest I will keep them before butchering all but one. I would like to try aquaponics but the earliest I could get that up and running is next summer. My garden didn't go too well and I need more fencing so I can pasture the chickens but I have learned that baby sitting doesn't really pay for as much fencing as I need. It just goes to show that you can do all the research you want but there's really nothing you can do if mother nature decides to throw you a curve ball.

"when life gives you too many roosters, make chicken soup"
Any building project costs at least twice what you expect and takes much longer to complete than you thought.
Aw geeze. I don't know quite what to say here. It really stinks when Mother Nature throws those curve balls! >.<

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