This is not a SLW


5 Years
Jul 25, 2014
I bought some SLW and GLW locally, but one chicken doesn't look like the rest? He's 10 weeks old. I think it's a mix. Any help would be great.


looks a tad like my Ancona girls....

when I bought this one...with 2 others, they were sent from the hatchery as SLW....they obviously aren't, they are Anconas. Yours looks similar to me....
Actually it does look like a Ancona! Yep! I bet that's what he is!

I am new to the breed...very flighty, always looking like they are up to something...lay white eggs I hear...not very good in cold weather, which is an issue as we get down to -25+ in the winters here...I will be watching them carefully this is another shot of one of the "photo bombing" another chicken today...

Thanks for the help. I didn't like this guy before but now I might give him a name... maybe Andy.
He has white legs[White legs are dominant so if you breed a yellow legged breed to a white legged one you get white legs, [unless the white legged bird carries yellow legs]] so he is not a full Ancona, he doesn't quite have the right body type, either. Whatever he is, both parent breeds carry mottling, because mottling is recessive, both parents have a single comb[or have only one rose or pea comb gene], and at least one parent has white legs.
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I agree, not an Ancona.

I wonder if mottled orpington is a possibility? Other than that maybe speckled sussex and a black breed mix(not cross, at least two generations away).
I agree, not an Ancona.

I wonder if mottled orpington is a possibility? Other than that maybe speckled sussex and a black breed mix(not cross, at least two generations away).
that's, well, whatever it is, keep us posted with an updated pic!

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