This Is Why I Have Nets Over My Birds !!!!!


9 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Shady Hills, FL
This guy / girl has been hanging out in my yard for weeks now trying to figure out how to get into my pens LOL! That is a good enough reason why my birds do not free range at all. I am adding extra pens to my big one to rotate the birds around in so I can get some grass growing in each pen.

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Hawks are the number one killer of my birds
! Next in line is my dog. With the hawks they have even gotten into my netted pen and killed birds. Maybe this year I will get lucky and hawks won't come near
This is a vulture, not a hawk - here's a pic from another site:

And the site that came from - which has some nice info on vultures:

You can use this website to identify birds, it's pretty nice:

At first I thought maybe you had a golden hawk, because those are in your state, but they are brown with a dark face.

Vultures will eat dead chickens, and *maybe go after teeny tiny chicks (although I have not heard of this), but you shouldn't worry about your poultry due to that guy. Now if you see a golden or a bald eagle, or any of the other falcons I saw listed for CT....that's a whole other can of meal worms!
Definitely a Turkey/black Vulture, NOT a hawk. My grandfather actually taught us that they will not bother anything alive and will actually keep the smaller hawks like red tails away from your animals. This has been my experience as well. I do have a pair of redtail hawks at the farm that do not bother my animals. The picture is kind of rough, but the younger birds have feathering higher up on their heads. My guess is that you are looking at a younger bird that has not started moving around yet.
those are black vulture and they will kill live animal , now turkey vulture are shy and will not go ater anything moving or alive,

redtail hawks don't normal go after birds, they will but more like small animal
Yeah I don't think you got a thing to fear from that Turkey vulture. In fact, Black Vultures could prey on newborn/young, or incapacitated animals.
Though the Turkey Vulture rarely ever kills prey itself.
Here is a pic of a black Vulture just so you know the difference if you ever see one around :

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Ha when my grandpa gave me four white fantail pigeons he put them in with the peacocks without asking. We had a redtail glued to the wire for three days. The same thing happened when we got a new black shoulder hen. The white color must attract them.
Well the hawks are back. I was outside just going about my business and a hawk was attacking my little birds! I was screaming and making a scene threw the bread at it and it finally left. By time I saw it it was ten feet from the ground and Before I knew it the hawk was on top of a bird. I think it was my old english bantam but I'm not sure. Thankfully I stopped everything before the hawk hurt a chicken.

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