This is why predators have such an easy time with quail

Yeah i know what you mean theirs a lot of them. if your losing a lot of birds i would rig up a trip line with the little dollar store window alarms when they knock it off it starts beeping really loud you might have really stubborn coons tho and you might lose a lot of sleep.
Just wanted to add another warning for predator proofing your runs/hutches. Today a snake somehow got in my quail's run and we got to him just a little too late. Pretty devastated.
Just wanted to add another warning for predator proofing your runs/hutches. Today a snake somehow got in my quail's run and we got to him just a little too late. Pretty devastated. :hit

What happened? I thought snakes only eat the eggs when they get into the runs/hutches...
Well, there were no eggs as I only had one male. But apparently they do eat the quail too as I found a snake wrapped around him when I went to check on him in the afternoon. No clue how it got in, not really in the mood to investigate at the moment.
Well, there were no eggs as I only had one male. But apparently they do eat the quail too as I found a snake wrapped around him when I went to check on him in the afternoon. No clue how it got in, not really in the mood to investigate at the moment.

Oh my, that is just awful. I'm sorry.
I have a pile of live traps and leg holds. My dad used to be a hunting guide and we both had fur trapping licenses before. The problem is I live in the city right now and there is an unlimited source of raccoons here. Trapping them is as effective as peeing into the wind. 

Coon hides down here are bringing about $ least you'd be getting paid to pee into the wind.

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