This is year already off to a bad start . ** UPDATE **

Hi Julie.
I just want to add to all the other comments. My chickens are my therapy, along with my fish and dogs. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which prevents me from doing a lot of things. When I have a flare-up, my husband tries to focus my attention on "babies". I have been having a real tough week, RA wise, but on New Years day, one egg hatched, that is all, just one egg, and I have the most beautiful little buff looking baby. She has really helped to take my mind off the pain. My chickens are my therapy. This post is not suppose to be about me, but an encouraging post. Remember........Your ID says it all!

So, I think to get rid of your chickens now, is very unwise. It will really put you into a state of depression. They will be the ONLY steady thing in your life, they will get by just fine, if you have to go to work. but the main thing is........


This too will pass. I have you on my Prayer list.

God Bless you and keep the Faith! Another door will open, just wait and see!
Sorry about your friend, Churken...

If you're handy, or crafty, you could make an etsy store's a heckuvalot cheaper than can even sell food!

RA mother had lupus, and that can go along with it...

I some number crunching and don't get rid of your chickens quite yet...
Well I contacted my boss to see where things are at for me and DH - and it looks like they have contacted another out of state paper to possibley buy out the routes they have in my town -
so if all go well we will be getting a call from another newspaper and offered a job with them
- the chickens are STAYING !!! DH called this morning from work and said that when he left to do the papers this morning at 4 am he heard Clyde crowing in the coop ( he does this every morning he hears DH leave - then he go back to sleep and starts crowing again when he is ready to come out ) DH says he cant let them go he would miss Clyde to much !! and the fresh eggs the girls are just starting to lay.
The ducks are the only other issue right now - I dont want to give them up but it is so hard for me to handle them without my eyes starting to water and hurt - so we might have to make some changes there -
I cant explain the weight that went off my chest when my boss told us that another paper company might be calling us - we are still on stand by until we get that call but at least there is hope at another paper job - that might pay as much as we are getting now - and if that is the case I can still be a stay at home chicken mom if I want.

As far as crafts go I love to do them - I paint, make baby blankets, baby layetts ( blankets,sweaters,hats,and booties),reg blankets,I do have a sewing machine ( just not a sewing bone in my body LOL I am learning ), and I do other different things - like make a desk clock out of an old CD that is a working clock painted to match the personal taste of the person it is going for ( I will have to make a chicken one for my desk and take a pic ) so starting a store would be tons of fun -- how do I start one? how much does it cost to get started ? what all do I need to get going ?

Hi Crazy4chicks.

May I make a comment? To open an Ebay store without the experience is not too wise. I do allot of ebaying and I know from my friend who has a store, you have to pay a small fee every month whether or not you sell anything. Plus when you sell there is a fee, yes it is small but if you put it together with the fee it can become costly.

I would suggest you give it a try and see how just selling items, even things you have around the house to start with, will work. I found that people will buy just about anything, besides we all some extra junk hanging around taking up space.

Good luck, and don't get rid of your babies, everyone is right things will get better then you will be sorry.

God bless, he is watching over you.


I just noticed the good news. We will be praying tht all goes well.
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Yeah, is better for handmade things. You can hardly sell handmade items on ebay and ebay charges you if you blow your nose.
You have listing fees, final value fees and Paypal fees if you take a credit card. I suggest

I'm glad you're getting to keep the chickens.
Ok this sunday the 13 makes the last day we throw the newspaper for the Amarillo Globe
but I got a call from the Lubbock paper that might take over our route-- this is what is going on ....

They ( lubbock ) wants me and DH to throw thier paper to our customers as a sample paper for 30 days -- after the 30 days if enough of the Amarillo customers take the lubbock paper they will " make " a route for us, but if not enough take it - to make it worth it to them to hire us than after the 30 days is over that's it no more paper job!!
but for the 30 days we are throwing the sample paper they are going to pay us $900.00 for the month ( something like 30.00 a day )
so for the next 30 days lets hope we can get enough people to change from one paper to the other

keep your fingers crossed

Well good luck with the paper thing. I hope lots of people want it. You could put a little begging post-it note on each one you throw

Etsy does charge you a listing fee. It's .20 to list each item. Then there is the final fee if you sell it, and you still have the paypal fees, but they are lots more reasonable.

I thought my etsy site would die down after the holidays, but I've gotten 2 orders in the last 2 days, so maybe it will keep up pretty good. I hope so.

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