This newbie has caught the bug.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Ridgeland, SC
I had already ordered 7 day old chicks(4 White Leghorns, 3 Golden Buff (red star)) to be delivered the week of Nov 3 when I found some Delaware day old chicks that would be available the week of Nov 12 and ordered 7 of them also. Will I be able to brood them together or should I keep them separate? My brooder is approximately 24 sq. ft.( it's in my home office). I could put a chicken wire barrier between the two groups if necessary.
I would keep the day old chicks separate until they are a week or two old at least. They need to sleep a lot more than the older ones and they should be eating and drinking well before combining the two groups.
There should be no more than a 3 week separation in age for chicks to brood together so they should be okay.
I started with 9. I meant to start with 6 or 7. I am allowed to have 4 so i had a built in percentage of death and roosters. Well i have lost 4 birds but somehow right now i have 11...oops.

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