THIS turned into THAT

BTW completely off topic I LOVE your avatar!
Awww, thanks. That's my first black copper marans rooster. When my first flock was wiped out, save for him, I ended up rehoming him so he wouldn't be alone.

Now that I've hatched (too many) chickens, I kind of wish I had him back, he is a gorgeous rooster. But, I keep in casual touch with the lady I gave him to, and he's happy.
That is SO CUTE! She looks like the perfect little mommy!
She is a PERFECT mom! Of course I am probably biased since my BB Red hen Ethel hatched little Gracie. She is such a perfect mom I have given her eggs to hatch for me twice. She is setting on 4 eggs now that should hatch any day.
i am looking forward to hopefully hatching out a few eggs of my own someday. IF I can get a hen to cooperate!

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