This years Dr. John Thompson Dorrance Tomatoes

Titan Farm

Oct 5, 2017
For the past 3 years Ive been growing these tomatoes and each year I am more impressed with them.

History on the tomato :
Its said that the Campbell's Co. (later becoming the Campbell Soup Co.) bred this tomato and named the tomato after Dr. John Thompson Dorrance who developed there condensed soups line. The Dr. John Thompson Dorrance tomato or JTD for short has the Greater Baltimore tomato in its linage and along with the Marglobe the JTD is a parent stock to the Rutger tomato.

Description of tomato:
Tomatoes are a open-pollinated, commercialtype heirloom tomato that is indeterminate in growth and takes around 85 days to maturity.
The JTD produces a red fruit that is a slightly flattened globe shape, averages around 10 to 12 ounces and can be used fresh or for canning.
Plants have a large regular tomato leaf, can reach on the average 6 to 8 feet tall and should be planted 36 to 38 inches apart.

My JTD tomatoes out for some sun.
In this picture there 1 month old and starting to out grow there 5 inch peat pots. These girls grew and still are growing like weeds. Also they are all orgaincly grown.


Here are a couple of the above JTD's today in the 30 gallon pots. There 1 month 13 days in these picture.



And here is one of our Marglobe.

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