thoughts needed- sensitive family issue.


11 Years
Dec 26, 2008
Box Springs
I do not normally ask for help, but I'm starting to truly feel that my new found spirituality is helping my life and the driection it goes in.

i am not able to go into detail at this point but my father in law is missing. His last phone call to anyone was at 724 last night and he doesnt usually dissapear.

my mother in law is in florida with her dying mother... he stayed home.

he's apparently ( first i've heard of this) been depressed and dispondant lately...and has spoken of suicide.

he doesnt have a drivers liscense and was driving her monte hoping he's in jail or he simply turned the ringer off on the phone and is asleep.

we're headed over to their house to check it out.

if he's not injured , having a breakdown or in jail we will be taking him to the doctors for the help he needs.

please pray for lloyd and ouir family. It is appreatiated.
all is fine, thank you all for your thoughts and concern. he is getting evaluated by the MD this afternoon- he was home asleep since 8pm last night - 11am today so he needed to go in anyway- could have been much worse.

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