Thoughts on genders of our 3 month olds?

Just interested in what you guys think. So far, out of 24 3month olds, we think we've found 4 roos.
First pic I 'd say rooster.

HHen on right, cockerel on left, IMO

What breed? It looks like a female to me

Pullet, IMO

All three pullets, IMO
Did you get these St. run, or sexed?
Did you get these St. run, or sexed?

We ordered them sexed.
All female, when you ordered? Hatcheries usually make a few mistakes, and it's not unusual for someone to order all female and get a couple cocks
I've never raised BR or Wyandottes before, so the two i think are cocks could very well be female. Hopefully someone who has had those breeds will know

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