thoughts on just using chain link fence for a chicken run?


6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
San Diego
We are building a new coop and run for our 5 chicks, which at 4 months old have outgrown the prefab coop/run we bought for them. For the coop, we bought plans from for the Bella coop. It is going to be extremely safe and predator proof and our girls are great at going up into the coop from the run before 7 every night. Because the coop is so secure, we were thinking about just using a chain link fence run, similar to a dog run. The run will be up against the side of the house, so will be partially covered by the roof overhang which should protect from hawks. We do have coyotes nearby, but we don't see them during the day ever and we've never seen them that close to the house. I know that everyone will say that hardware cloth that is a small gauge is the safest, but I'm curious if people think that a less secure run with an extremely secure coop will work? It's only at night that I'm worried about predators. Thanks for any help!!

Dog kennel I used, I wired the entire floor before adding the sand and ran hardware cloth 3 feet up the sides all the way around, never had a problem with digging but I have an 80lb lab that keeps a good eye on the yard. Suntuff roofing from home depot keeps the top secured.
Quote: I watched this 100 lb dog get half her body underground in less than a minute trying to catch a mole.
She's down almost 2 ft here:

Play it safe and put down some wide strips of wire to set your fence on, and you won't have to worry about unexpected diggers
Bear foot is correct, the simplest way is too just lay down chain link. I used 4' chain link that I cut down the center with bolt cutters. This gave me 2' wide strips too lay down.
How do you intend to secure it to the ground? Chain link dog kennels usually just have a bar on the ground - easy for predators to dig under.
Yes, it will just have a bar on the ground. My thought, though, (and I'm open to suggestions/criticism) is that the predators up against our house are few and far between, and if they did dig under the fence it would be okay because the hens would be locked up at night. We don't really have daylight predators I'm worried about. Am I being unrealistic?
Snakes can get through the chain link and raccoons can reach through and grab and pull. We thought our chain link run was safe until a snake got in and ate our broody's chicks.
Chain link is fine. Have you thought about getting an electric hot wire to put around the bottom? You can buy a pet sized one for around 30 bucks. I am willing to bet anything that tries to dig and hits that will not go further. We pit one around ours years ago for our own dog. Lets just sag it packs enough punch she didn't bother even going in that area for over a year. One other time she tried and same result. Never a problem from her with out chickens.

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