Thoughts on this coop/run combo

Well, estimating that the coop portion is only about 30"x30", it's big enough for about 1-1/2 chickens.

You might want to find something a little larger. Chickens need about 4' square of indoor space per bird (that's for large fowl -- bantams require less).
The run is also pretty small. 5 1/2 ft by 2 1/2 ft gives you 13.75 square feet of space. Unless you plan to free range, that's enough space for one chicken.
X2! At most you could probably put a breeding pair of bantams or leghorns. And if you know anything about chickens, you'll always need/want more. That is a fact I learned in a short time.
It looks like a smaller version of this coop: Herb Garden Coop

Except the Green Roof Chicken Coop version is designed for hens. not rabbits


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