Threads on Breeding Meat Birds


13 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Capital District, NY
Hey All,

Haven't been active on here in about a decade. But, buying some property and moving back out of the city!

Wondering if there are any thread people can think of that documents the raising/crossing/breeding of meat birds.

I remembered forever ago various projects. Wondering how they turned out or didn't.

Anyone have links? Thank you!
Hey All,

Haven't been active on here in about a decade. But, buying some property and moving back out of the city!

Wondering if there are any thread people can think of that documents the raising/crossing/breeding of meat birds.

I remembered forever ago various projects. Wondering how they turned out or didn't.

Anyone have links? Thank you!
Toad Raising

Toads the perfect chicken!
I have Large Fowl White Cornish, just getting started with them. I bought from two different breeders and they are totally different lines and each a little different. I plan to raise more pure since they were SO hard to find but on the side, I'll be crossing some other breed hens to see how those cross for meat.

I plan set up a toe punch chart so I can keep track and still allow them to free range or pen a bunch up and know what I have. I may Try to set up a spread sheet to document growth patterns, weights etc. as well as the flavor, if there is any difference. I won't bother with feed charts because they will all get the same. Later, that might be done to narrow down the better individual birds.

Breeds I plan to try,
Araucana (because I already have them and will use my heavier hens) They are chest heavy but could use thigh meat.
Delaware (to make the Corndel cross that was bumped out when the Cornish Crosses took over. 3/4 Cornish 1/4 Delaware) I have a few pullets growing out now.
Bresse (because I have access to some chicks from a friend, she swapped for a pair of my Cornish) They are supposed to be delicious. I have some coming tomorrow.
White Rocks (because I've read they were used in the original CC crosses.) I haven't gotten any yet but have a source.
New Hampshires (because they are supposed to be fantastic meat birds crossed to why not Cornish?) Not found a source yet.

And whatever else I come across that might be a good cross for a good free ranging type that has good growth and feed conversion. I plan to pen and feed the last couple of weeks before butchering or however long needed to finish them. I may do fermented grains instead of the commercial crumbles and will they will all get Fertrell Poultry Minerals as well as grit during the finishing stage. I want my meat healthy.

There won't be a Lot of any particular breed. I'll use the best I can manage, they don't have to be show birds but should exhibit proper type for meat.

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