Three month old chickens-mixed breeds in NW Ohio

12 Acres

11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oak Harbor, OH
I have 7 young chickens that need new homes. They were hatched in June. The first two photos show two 15 week old cockerels who had an Ameraucauna father and Barred Plymouth Rock or Red Comet mothers. They are both bearded and have pea combs. The red one with the black beard is very large and will be a huge rooster when he's all grown up (do me a favor and name him Black Beard)!



The last two photos show a group of 5 youngsters that are 13 weeks old. The only one that is pure is the Rhode Island Red cockerel (red one with a large straight comb). The rest are pullets that are a mix of Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red. The little white bantam is half Silkie and a pullet. There are two black pullets, one barred with very black legs (Australorp/Barred Rock mix) and one pure Rhode Island Red that is most likely a cockerel.


The Silkie mix has 5 toes and a straight comb. Her comb is tiny and I think it's a pullet.


These chickens are the result of fertile eggs I placed under two broody hens in May. I raise my birds on organic feed, fresh water and a clean coop. They have a large run and I let them out to dust bathe and graze in the evenings. They are all healthy and very strong. I hope you will give them a good home. They would make good pets and lots of tasty eggs!
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Are you giving these guys away? Because I'd love to give those beautiful chickens a home, but you're like three hours from me

If you could meet me part way then we could work it out!

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