three month old ducklings sudden death


12 Years
Mar 15, 2009
Thanks to anyone who can help me... I had 6 three month old barnyard mixed ducks that were hatched when we found an abandoned nest in our barn. they have been healthy and happy , raised indoors with heat for two months, removed heat and put in enclosed area outside a couple of weeks ago... they have been fine, clean water for drinking and separate play pond appropriate for their size... locked up nightly in duck house... suddenly last night we lost three... temps have not varied much since introducing them to outdoors three weeks ago... .days are in the 60s , nights in mid 40s and up... after removing the three dead , all others were active and fine... two hours later , one was lethargic, felt cold and was lifeless... he is now indoors being heated but I have no idea what is happening since I have raised ducklings for 14 years with no issues...
I'm very sorry for your losses.

The way to know for sure what happened is to have a necropsy performed. You can have a local avian vet do it, or send a deceased body to a state lab (if you are in the states) for likely much cheaper. If you are interested we can send you links on how to do it. I suggest putting the body in the fridge as soon as you can. If you have an avian vet, just give them a call.
That's so sad! I hope you can get some answers from a necropsy. Maybe cocci? we had a bunch of coturnix quail die for no reason right after we bought bobwhite quail from a breeder who said she'd had cocci in the past. I don't know how it affects ducks tho. So sorry for your loss It just sucks to lose ducks☹️
@Isaac 0, what do you think happened?
However much I wish I could give an accurate suggestion of what may have happened it is too difficult to do so over the internet, especially with a case like this where the symptoms were non-specific to any condtion. A necropsy done on the deceased birds would be the best route to diagnosis.

Can ducks get cocci?

Waterfowl can contract coccidiosis, but it is not as prevalent a problem as it is with chicks and turkeys. There usually isn't a sudden onset in mortality if it is to occur; most times you will notice lethargy/anorexia/ abnormal droppings prior to death.
I had three baby ducks, hatched by a hen, in an enclosed coop. She took great care of her babies. They had daily fresh water and good feed. They grew to the point of beginning to feather. Then one died -healthy the day before. Two weeks later the same thing happened to another duckling. One week later the third died. They were all in the same position when I found each one. Head stretched out, feet stretched out behind. I'm truly perplexed. They were not showing any signs of sickness then, dead.

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