Ticks n' chicks


May 13, 2016
Wells ny
I have an 8x8 coop using pine shavings for bedding. I went out today to check water and rake out some shavings,i soon thereafter noticed a small black and red tick.im wondering what to use to deter them from the area,ive never seen ticks where I live in upstate NY
It was definitely a tick, I thought it was just a fly on my leg and when I brushed it it did not fly away,with a closer look and a quick hand I pinched it and threw it in the water bucket.
My chicks are about 5-6 weeks so maybe they're still getting the hang of eating everything that moves.
I don't think avian blood does much for ticks, think they need mammalian blood to reproduce.
Was it a dog tick or ... the dreaded, tiny, Lyme carrying deer tick??
I thought ticks, and Lyme disease, was rampant in upstate NY?

Could you have picked it up walking out the the coop rather than it residing in the coop or on a chicken?
I was cleaning out the shavings that were under the waterer and that was when I felt something crawling on my leg. I'm not very good at identifying ticks but it was very small,black and red
Before this summer I had never actually seen one where I live
I was cleaning out the shavings that were under the waterer and that was when I felt something crawling on my leg. I'm not very good at identifying ticks but it was very small,black and red
Before this summer I had never actually seen one where I live
There are so many different kinds of insects....I don't assume untiI get out the magnifying glass, I'm always grabbing bugs in a glass jar to check them out.
Hmm well I guess the next one I see I will have to get the macro lens out and snap some pics. I'm thinking diatomaceous earth powder, and sprinkle it on the shavings
Hmm well I guess the next one I see I will have to get the macro lens out and snap some pics. I'm thinking diatomaceous earth powder, and sprinkle it on the shavings
Find out what it is before deciding if it's something that needs 'treating'.
Still think it could have been picked up on your shoe in the yard on the way to the coop.

Did you see any others under the waterer?
Were the shavings wet?
If so, fix the spillage and the bugs may disappear.

DE doesn't work to kill bugs in wet areas......
....and it won't kill off an insect infestation (except in feed bags with grain mites - which are soft and easy to kill anyway)
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Ohhh... ducks and their water mess.
Can't help ya there, don't have ducks......but have seen a few clever contrivances for keeping their splashing away from bedding.

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