Time to re-home my leghorns?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
I have a mixed flock of 2 leghorns and 3 cochins that are 1 year old. I also have 2 barred rocks, 2 buff orps, and what I think is a brahma (was suppose to be a white cochin) that are 6 1/2 weeks old.
My leghorns are causing me such grief! They are definitely my "alpha birds". They peck the feathers off all my cochin's feet and peck at their combs. Today I noticed one of my cochins laying down and sleeping most of the day. I thought she was just enjoying the sun but when I went to put her back in the coop I noticed feathers missing from her vent-makes me wonder if there is more cannibalism going on? Or could it be something else?
Today I also introduced the hens to the chicks by placing the chicks in a wire cage within the coop. I've been going VERY slow because I knew it would be a problem with the leg horns, having new girls in the flock. For the past two weeks I've let the hens out to free range for the day while the chicks were in the coop/run. The hens could see them through the wire when they were in the run but couldn't get close enough to really interact. Today, when they were allowed to get more up close and personal the cochins looked at them through the wire and even ate at the same dish as the chicks by pecking through the wire. The leg horns, however, pecked through the wire at the chicks! I'm new to this chicken thing and truly enjoy the more docile birds. I'm wondering when to cut my losses? Or strategies to try? They are young, egg laying machines. I'm thinking I could re-home them easily to a friend as free rangers on her property. Thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated!
If possible, remove the leghorns from the flock completely and reintroduce them after a week. This will hopefully bump them down in the pecking order and they will stop bullying the others so much. If it doesn't work maybe it would be better to find a new home for them. I've had some leghorns in a mixed flock and though I won't call them docile, they were not very aggressive and like you said, they are egg vending machines! So hopefully shuffling their pecking order will help.
They are great free rangers! I have fencing sectioned off-could they soley free range for a couple weeks? How do I re-introduce them-anything special?

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