Tiny baby Contest

Blue LANGSHAN (time of posting & pic 12hrs. old)
Sad to report that this little one didn't make it - died at a week and half old. It was such a little runt for a Giant Langshan, it was only @ the size of a tiny bantam, altough its wing feather started grwoing it never got any bigger in size. I was very saddened because I so wanted it to make it. Yes, I shed a tear or two
These chicks are soooo cute.

here is the last one of my hatchlings on Labor Day---

Turns out it is a girl and she is the lightest of all the ones that hatched that day. If I get a chance I will come back with an updated photo---but she's already getting feathered out now.

Newly hatched Cream Legbar - her name became 'Blondie'.

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