Tiny, Boys


5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
La Center WA
These two followed me home from a trip tothe feed store. I adore them, and I would guess serama or serama cross. A friend who raises OEGB says they are not that. They are *extra* friendly, especially the black one. They are so nice that I have never seen the white one have any success with a hen and the black one has only found one girl who has the time of day for him. To be honest, until the black found a blue frizzle to play house with I mused more than once that they might be enjoying an alternative lifestyle. (It could happen!) IDC what they are, they will stay, because of their awesome personalities, but I am still curious.

Can you get some more pictures of them at different angles. It's hard to tell from this one shot
Side on would be a good start, to show body type.

As for them being 'too nice' with hens, a rooster backing off when resisted is actually a positive trait and natural. If your hens are anti-rooster they'll take a while to get used to the boys, or even may never get used to a rooster but more instinctive hens will take a liking to them. My roosters were all 'nice' and never short of a girlfriend at any point, lol. A rooster who tackles a resisting hen is just a byproduct of human intervention in their social structure.

Best wishes.
I hate it when roosters start acting like criminals! (Cant think of any other way using all nice words to say this.) I usually feel bad for the girls and send them packing. (Meat auction, as I am too much of a wuss to process my own bird.)

He's too friendly and curious, I had to take about 40 pics to get one without him crowing or looking straight at the camera. I hope this works, but I'll leave him in that crate in case you need any more pics.
I honestly don't know about bantams.

I got the white one for my girl "tiny chicken" (seabright mutt, now passed :'( ) and this black one for my blue frizzle (why the heck not?) I have standard size layers, especially Ameraucanas, and know nothing specific about bantam breeds other than "don't breed frizzle x frizzle." I figured I'd fill space in the incubator with itty bitty eggs, it will make it super easy to identify the mutts. (Whoops, tangent, back to the topic, sorry!)

Anyway their wings droop pretty low, making his legs look shorter than they are. I don't know the difference between Japanese and Serama, and after witnessing the hostility on the Ameraucana thread, I'm scared to bug any one breed's thread.

Some threads do seem to be a little more tight knit than others. If I were you, I'd post these guys up on the Japanese thread. They're super nice there and they'll know if they're Japs or not.

On mine, if you flip them over and look at their legs, they're obviously shorter than other breeds. Almost like theres no upper part to the legs, just the knee and everything else.

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