tiny silke chick issues- straddle leg


11 Years
Jul 8, 2008
North Carolina
I had 4 silkies in my first hatch that hatched yesterday and two of them have straddle leg. One is tiny and I tried the band-aid trick but it made things worst. I did the distance with the pad of the band-aid. For a very small silkie should it be closer. This one also holds her wings to the side like they are useless. She just flops around the brooder. The other one has slight straddle leg but I wanted to know first if before messing with the chick if I should put the band-aid closer. I also hate putting a band-aid on those feathers but I guess whatever has to be done has to be done.
North Carolina Cackle.. Reading your post brings back those memories of my tries and my failures at helping these little ones have a life.
I have never been able to get one of them onto their feet and walking and having any quality of life. I went so far one time to making a sling for the hen to hang from. She was almost grown and hanging there all day long.. she could make herself swing around and she had access to food, but I had to be on guard for her all the time... moving her food, moving her water. all day long...
i cannot tell you what a heartache that was.
On my last hatch I had one of these little things with feet so twisted I had never seen anything so bad. This time I took it to the garbage can and with a sharp pair of sissors I ended its pain and mine.
I took hell from a lot of memebers for my actions, but as many understood my pain and agreeed with my decision.
I wish you luck. You have to do what YOU have to do ....whatever it is.
Experience makes these things easier.. both ways..
unless you have a life waiting for you to finish up with the chicken on a sling and how many years does a chicken live?
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A.J.'s :

North Carolina Cackle.. Reading your post brings back those memories of my tries and my failures at helping these little ones have a life.
I have never been able to get one of them onto their feet and walking and having any quality of life. I went so far one time to making a sling for the hen to hang from. She was almost grown and hanging there all day long.. she could make herself swing around and she had access to food, but I had to be on guard for her all the time... moving her food, moving her water. all day long...
i cannot tell you what a heartache that was.
On my last hatch I had one of these little things with feet so twisted I had never seen anything so bad. This time I took it to the garbage can and with a sharp pair of sissors I ended its pain and mine.
I took hell from a lot of memebers for my actions, but as many understood my pain and agreeed with my decision.
I wish you luck. You have to do what YOU have to do ....whatever it is.
Experience makes these things easier.. both ways..
unless you have a life waiting for you to finish up with the chicken on a sling and how many years does a chicken live?


I think you told me my gut feeling and what I did not want to hear. I just walked into the room with the brooder and she was in the water bowl. I tried hhold her legs together but she does not have the strength in her legs to stand. I really hate losing her but like I said I knew the rules of the game going into my first hatch. That things go wrong and you can have deformed or blind chicks. It is just sad.

As for the second bigger silke do I still do the band-aid the length of the pad? Not sure since they are smaller than the other chicks. She can stand and hold her self up and even get around.

ETA is it normal for them to fall over when you put them in the brace? The silkies are hard to do because of their toes.​
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