Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

Tiny the Terrorist almost became a Suicide Flogger again tonight. DH was removing a saddle from one of my molting Wynette, one of my BR hens, to give her a break for proper grooming. He sat Wynette down on the floor just in front of the roost, not realizing that jealous Tiny had hopped onto the roost bar next to his bent over head.

As he let Wynette go, he was hit in the forehead by the Beak of Death and looked up to see a feathered cobra, hackles flared and ready to launch a second strike at his face. He literally grabbed her by the neck and flung her to the floor. She yelled and ran into the exterior nest box, whereupon Wynette took up the cause and went after Tiny, reaching in and hauling her out by the head feathers, giving her a good thunk. Tiny went screaming into the other room and jumped up to the main roost to pout.

Once again, Tiny the Terrorist has cheated death, narrowly avoiding becoming a Suicide Flogger.
She's definitely not all there. It's that wild Sumatra blood coupled with her bad vision and spoiled chickhood, I tell you (no offense to Sumatra aficionados). Anyone else would have already snapped her scrawny neck.
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Me, too. God help me, this hen will live to be 20 years old! A rooster who did that would be stew by the next day. She wouldn't make a mouthful, though. I can tell you her eggs will never be incubated!

DH holds her every morning. She insists. If he ignores her, she flies up onto the top of his head or flogs him if he pushes her away too many times.
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She will probably outlive your whole flock!
Geez...the nut job. Cyn has to put up with her because I WOULD NOT TAKE HER! Although my daughter sure would...she tamed the Terrorist when she transformed Ike into a hammock swinging, hen ignoring, being carried and hugged on HUGE rooster.

Eventually Tiny is gonna catch daddy at the wrong time and it will be curtains for her..or worse she gets him near or in the eye. That girl is a mess.
OMG has that girl got a death wish? (Tiny, not your daughter! LOL)

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