Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

Oh I feel for you.... It would be funny to see though. Yup, you MUST you tube it......
When this thread goes to sleep like now I worry that Cynthia gave in and throttled that chicken.
LOL, we were putting up the back fence again after brush piles were moved and we moved logs out of the way to clear the line. Finished awhile ago, thank goodness, so haven't checked on the Terrorist, but I heard screaming so there was some Gideon drama in the pen, probably involving Tiny. She yells louder than any other hen when chased by the young whippersnapper.
So he's still at it.... Rather cheeky of her to yell for help when she behaves worse than him!
LOL, we were putting up the back fence again after brush piles were moved and we moved logs out of the way to clear the line. Finished awhile ago, thank goodness, so haven't checked on the Terrorist, but I heard screaming so there was some Gideon drama in the pen, probably involving Tiny. She yells louder than any other hen when chased by the young whippersnapper.
Do older hens protest more then younger ones? My older Delaware is like this. Flew on top of my head and gave me a good muscle cramp all night from the odd angle and the swiftness of it. I don't know why they think I'm their bodyguards against the roosters, but I need to wear padding from now on!
Sorry, I didn't get notified of a reply this time or would have answered sooner.

Yup, the older ones sure do, but they all do, really. None will willingly submit to Gideon. And daddy Isaac won't share, either. Poor boy has no place here. He ought to have his own flock. He'll be a great rooster for someone, but so far, no takers for him.

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