Tiny white flecks in poop?


Apr 6, 2016
What am I looking at here? Very tiny white flecks, non-moving, about the size of the commas in this text. ( , ' ) This is a "night poop" from under the roost in the coop. Fresher poops from the day showed no signs of this. I don't know who made this poop. They bed on straw right now and I cleaned the coop out and put down nice fresh dry straw for them, maybe 2 weeks ago. No one is acting funny, one of my hens seemed a little underweight, but I saw her eating just fine and she doesn't tend to eat much when it's hot. They all were devouring blueberries I gave them yesterday so appetites are ok and new poops were
identified by the blueberry color haha. No one's walking funny, most of the other poops seem normal.

Could one of my girls have worms? Or are these maybe tiny seeds from something she ate that day? Maybe I should worm them all just in case. What are the current meds and dosages for worming large chickens? My girls are around 8 lbs with one fatty old 10lb lady (who doesn't lay anymore but eats like she does).


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It could be worm segments it could be from something eaten. One isolated case is probably not panic worthy. Do you use Sweet PDZ? I noticed some white flecks in the poop here after starting to use it. I figured it was from picking up a bit of the PDZ while scratching around since I didn't see any wiggle. Looks similar to the pic you posted.
Picture is not a really good view, but how old are your birds and have any started molt yet this year? Sometimes feather shaft dust from new feather sheaths is mistaken for parasites.
If you do see any that move, even a little, then tapeworm is likely.
We do love to see videos, LOL. Here are a few of tapes inside the gut, the whole tapeworm with wiggling segments, and a regular one with moving tape segments—they look more like little feet:
Did you notice if the "white flecks" were moving any? If so, they are tapeworm segments. Equimax equine paste wormer will treat tapeworms. It can be found in any feed store, in the equine section.
No movement. I looked REALLY close, and nothing moved at all. Someone else said it looks like they are ON the poop, and not IN it, and perhaps they are just fly larvae?

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