Tips for candling dark eggs?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
I have 28 chicken eggs in the incubator currently on day 7. I decided to candle a few eggs but I only ended up candling just the EE eggs as the others are too dark to see inside.
Any tips?
What are you using to candle them? It may not be bright enough. Allow your eyes to adjust to darkness before candling (and candle in a dark room). And at day 7, you aren't going to see much. I would candle at day 10 at the earliest. Brown eggs are also much harder to see into, so that makes sense.
What are you using to candle them? It may not be bright enough. Allow your eyes to adjust to darkness before candling (and candle in a dark room). And at day 7, you aren't going to see much. I would candle at day 10 at the earliest. Brown eggs are also much harder to see into, so that makes sense.
I use different things. A super bright flashlight that belongs to my dad, my phone flash light, and a candling light I got off amazon.
I see veins in the EE eggs at least.

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