Tips on getting a higher hate rate, anyone?

Well, we actually got a new rooster, got rid of our old one, and hatched 26 out of 38 eggs. We did turn them a lot, usually 4-6 times. In this large of a family, somebody is always caring for them and giving the chicks attention. We have a hen sitting on some more, but for some reason, they keep cracking? Co you know why this may be?
Thank you for your help...I sincerely appreciate it!
Congrats on the successful hatch!! The cracked eggs could be any number of things. Too little calcium (provide crushed oyster shell free-choice), too large of a hen (I've heard Brahmas can accidentally crack eggs due to their size and their feathered legs jostling eggs around), too much activity in the nest (is the broody isolated so other hens aren't coming and going from her nest to lay eggs), or too little cushioning in the nest (is there a good amount of nest material that is cupped in the middle to hold the eggs).
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It might be partly because of the large size...she's a jersey giant. But I found out today that she was getting pushed from her box, and another hen had broke an egg with her nails, and wound up eating it. So, needless to say, she is separated now, with only a week 1/2 left to go! She's got six eggs left, so I'm hoping and praying all goes well now!

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