Tips on Greens


8 Years
May 23, 2016
Central WI
Just thought I would share some tips for keeping greens

If you live anywhere it gets below freezing you're going to have to have supplemental heating of some kind. The coop or building you're keeping them in has to hover at least at 32 degrees fahrenheit in order to avoid frostbite. We usually keep ours at 50-60. Drafts kill so be vigilant when building and seal cracks.

Male greens are psychotically aggressive. They will likely attack you when you enter their pen as well as killing anything smaller than them that gets in the pen.
Females are also pretty aggressive with each other which is why we keep ours in pairs. Green males will also kill hens on occasion.

The best practice birds for someone who wants to keep greens are probably silver pheasants or bornean crested fireback pheasants. They are so different from their blue cousins and so much more finicky that all the experience in the world with blues will probably not help much with greens. Even spaldings are very different care wise from greens unless the percentage is well over 90%.

Rodney Michaels line birds are not pure greens. Originally rodney had some of the best birds you could hope for. Since then they've been passed around and back and forth so many times their lineage is muddied. They're a good bird to start with in greens but I would not call them pure.

I hope you have enjoyed my rambling.


  • Green Peafowl Greenbriar.JPG
    Green Peafowl Greenbriar.JPG
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Wow, thanks for the info. I thought the greens were pretty, but also too high maintence with the temperature controlled areas but knowing the other information about their aggressiveness makes me give it a hard pass anyway....

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