Tips to Befriending new chicks?


Apr 19, 2022
Today we made a run to Bomgaar's to grab Some Salmon Faverolles they finally had in! Got 3 Salmons, and decided to grab 4 Chicolate orphingtons and 2 of what we hope are americana! Their just too cute to only get 3!
I always see such cute posts of chickens cuddling their owners, and I want that with my hens so bad! Any tips or things I can to to better bond with my new babies? I have hens now, but their interest in me is...not the best :']
So how can I get my chickies to be all over me??
Congrats on your new chicks! Let them get used to their new surroundings first. Once they've gotten used to things here are a few things to try.

Talking to them- Simply talking to them and being near so they can see you will help build trust.

Hand feeding- My favorite way to build trust. The way to win any animals heart is by food. I like to place a little bit of chick food in my hand and rest it inside of the brooder. Don't chase them around with it just let them come to you. Most of the time they will become curious and walk up to your hand. They may be hesitant at first but will eventually hop on your hand to get the food. I do this daily with my chicks. The only downfall to this is that as they get older, the run around your feet every time they see you to get food (even if you have none).

Handling- Some people say handling is bad and shouldn't be done and it makes roosters mean when they get older. Others say it has the opposite affect. Personally, I handle my chicks. Just for a few short minutes a few times a day. When handling baby chicks there are a few things to note. First, do not take your hand and just grab them. This resembles them getting swooped up by a hawk and can yield unwanted results. Instead, gently scoop them up with both hands. Keep them close to your body as you would any other baby and stay as close to the ground as you can incase you drop one.

These are a few of the things I do. Good luck!
What I do with my chickens from chicks to adults is to take the time to cuddle with them. Who wouldn't they're super cute! Spend time with them when they're free ranging and you'll get great pics that way too. Chickens will come to know you as the "food human" and they will go crazy for the food/treats you have to offer. It mainly depends on the chickens personality but I think the main thing is them knowing you love them ( hugs and kisses) that may be just me that kiss chickens! 😂 Hope this helps some!
I’ve got some chicks that are about 3-4 wks old. My kids have tried to name them all. After a few days of them getting use to their new surroundings, we talked to them, pet them, & held them for short times each day. They are now at the point that when they hear our voices you can hear their happy chirps & they eagerly wait for us to hold them. I’m newer to owning chicks but I’d say handle them as much as you want/can while they’re little & hopefully they’ll enjoy it still once they’re bigger.


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